Goto Himeji 2004

Goto the first set of pictures

Goto the third set of pictures

Himeji 2004: Tina Taylor's second set of photos, 04/19/04

When the trip is over I'll burn all the originals onto a CD, and take them up to Flash Photo if anyone wants to make prints! (The originals are big enough that they should make OK reprints...)

(Tech notes: the originals are 1024x768. These thumbnails are 400x300; the pictures these link to are 800x600).

"Some of these are from earlier in the trip"

2441Tina 041904
2441Tina 041904

2441 - Getting on our commuter flight to Vancouver

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2445Tina 041904

2445 - Students tried to sleep on the long flight-some succeeded

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2449Tina 041904

2449 - Himeji-Minami High School sent a bus and some nice teachers to pick up our luggage

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2450Tina 041904

2450 - Our first train trip on Tuesday afternoon - from Kansai Airport to Shin-Osaka

2454Tina 041904
2454Tina 041904

2454 - We had Kaiten (Revolving) Sushi for dinner on Tuesday night

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2467Tina 041904

2467 - Bobby and Kevin at the JR Shinkansen station on Wednesday morning

2470Tina 041904
2470Tina 041904

2470 - Alex, Kevin, Rebecca, Katherine, Gennaro and Andrew at almost 200 m.p.h.!

2471Tina 041904
2471Tina 041904

2471 - Bobby, Jao, Matt, Lyssa, Susan, Natalie, and Robin speeding along on the way to Hiroshima on Wednesday

2488Tina 041904
2488Tina 041904

2488 - Our class at the Sadako Statue

2493Tina 041904
2493Tina 041904

2493 - Katherine, Betsey, Rebecca, Alex and Williams-Sensei hang up 1,000 cranes and poems from Tina's class

2496Tina 041904
2496Tina 041904

2496 - Alex loves Hiroshima's specialty - Okinomiyaki!

Goto Himeji 2004

Goto the first set of pictures

Goto the third set of pictures

Last modified: Mon Feb 15 16:56:17 2010  Hits: 

Photo album generated by album from Dave's MarginalHacks on Thu Apr 22 05:17:58 2004