Return to Oscar Night on Vashon Island 2015

Oscar Night on Vashon Island 2015

the Oscar Awards


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the Red Carpet Arrivals at Oscar Night on Vashon Island 2015

the 2015 Oscar Telecast at Oscar Night on Vashon Island 2015

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the Oscar Awards at Oscar Night on Vashon Island 2015: Set one

Being: Best Island Green Tech Night 2014, Best Sci-Fi Sunday 2014, the Oscar Judges,
Best Dressed Boy/Best Dressed Girl 11 and younger, Best PJ's child, teen and adult

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the Oscar Awards at Oscar Night on Vashon Island 2015: Set one

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the Oscar Awards at Oscar Night on Vashon Island 2015: Set two

Being: Dinner is served, Best Impersonation and Best Group Impersonation, Best Publicity/Worst Publicity

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the Oscar Awards at Oscar Night on Vashon Island 2015: Set two

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the Oscar Awards at Oscar Night on Vashon Island 2015: Set three

Being: Best Dressed Adult Male, Desert is served...

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the Oscar Awards at Oscar Night on Vashon Island 2015: Set three

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the Oscar Awards at Oscar Night on Vashon Island 2015: Set four

Being: Best Dressed Adult Female

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the Oscar Awards at Oscar Night on Vashon Island 2015: Set four

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the Oscar Awards at Oscar Night on Vashon Island 2015: Set five

Being: Best Film from Vashon Film Society's First Friday Art Series, Most Outrageous or Creative "Cher" Award, Best Dressed Teen Male 12 - 17 years

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the Oscar Awards at Oscar Night on Vashon Island 2015: Set five

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the Oscar Awards at Oscar Night on Vashon Island 2015: Set six

Being: Best Dressed Teen Female 12 - 17 years

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the Oscar Awards at Oscar Night on Vashon Island 2015: Set six

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the Oscar Awards at Oscar Night on Vashon Island 2015: Set seven

Being: Best Dressed Adult Couple 18 and older, Best Oscar Ballot

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the Oscar Awards at Oscar Night on Vashon Island 2015: Set seven

Return to Oscar Night on Vashon Island 2015

Oscar Night on Vashon Island 2015

the Oscar Awards


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the Red Carpet Arrivals at Oscar Night on Vashon Island 2015

the 2015 Oscar Telecast at Oscar Night on Vashon Island 2015

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