Return to Vashon Island Strawberry Festival 2013

Friday: Vashon Island Strawberry Festival 2013

Now up: A Friday Walkabout. One more last little walk-around before all hell breaks loose...

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Saturday: Vashon Island Strawberry Festival

Sunday: Vashon Island Strawberry Festival

A Friday Walkabout: Vashon Island Strawberry Festival

A Thursday Walkabout: Vashon Island Strawberry Festival

A Wednesday Walkabout: Vashon Island Strawberry Festival

Friday: Vashon Island Strawberry Festival 2013

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OK. So I ended up shooting video of One More Mile at the Street Dance Friday night. Video looks great, audio is going to need some work. As I shot 27 separate clips (about 48GB worth) it'll be a while before I have anything up. The videos *will* end up on my YouTube channel - TheFinchHaven. They're not up there yet.

Now up: A Friday Walkabout

Being one more last little walk-around before all hell breaks loose...

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Future home of Vashon-grown "Iris' Crafts" ;-)

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The Ober Park main stage...

A Friday Walkabout

Return to Vashon Island Strawberry Festival 2013

Friday: Vashon Island Strawberry Festival 2013

Now up: A Friday Walkabout. One more last little walk-around before all hell breaks loose...

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Saturday: Vashon Island Strawberry Festival

Sunday: Vashon Island Strawberry Festival

A Friday Walkabout: Vashon Island Strawberry Festival

A Thursday Walkabout: Vashon Island Strawberry Festival

A Wednesday Walkabout: Vashon Island Strawberry Festival

Canon EOS 1D Mark IV Digital Imaging!

Canon EOS 1D Mark IV digital imaging

All my digital photography
copyright John D Sage/FinchHavenâ„¢
1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 etc etc...

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