This whole deal was so interesting to me, and there was so much mis-information out about what went on, and so little correct information about what really happened, that I put this together.
This is in reference to the distributed denial-of-service attacks that affect a number of major mass-market web sites in February, 2000, and which caused (quite rightly, if only it had been done with more accuracy!) quite a stir...
(NOTE: I will use the correct term, correctly. These guys are not *hackers* but rather *crackers* -- this is one fact the mass media has really gotten wrong! See: How To Become A Hacker)
Since the initial command to the masters is sent from a stolen or a one-time logon, and since the commands from the masters to the slaves is a transaction which uses machines that aren't even known to be compromised, the perpetrator(s) are at least two steps removed from the machines (the slaves) that perform the actual attack, and the real owners of the slave machines don't even know they're being used!
The actual ammunition, as it were, is generally a UDP flood.
UDP stands for User Datagram Protocol; this is one of the fundamental communications protocols that makes the Internet run; for example, DNS or the Domain Name System uses UDP. DNS is the name server system that maps domain names (www.finchhaven.com) to IP addresses (
It's not something that can be ignored...
A very comprehensive, but technical, discussion comes from Dave Dittrich at the UW's University of Washington's Computing & Communications Client Services group
And a superlative interview (although very technical..) with Dave Dittrich at /.
Another very good discussion of this incident was made in "CRYPTO-GRAM, February 15, 2000" a "A free monthly newsletter providing summaries, analyses, insights, and commentaries on computer security and cryptography" that I subscribe to, from http://www.counterpane.com
(Re-posted by permission given in the newsletter, although Bruce Schneier *does* ask that the entire newsletter be posted, which I'm *not* doing... ;-)
Distributed Denial-of-Service Attacks Suddenly, distributed denial-of-service (DDS) attacks are big news. The first automatic tools for these attacks were released last year, and CERT sent out an advisory in November. But the spate of high-profile attacks in mid-February has put them on the front pages of newspapers everywhere. Not much is new. Denial-of-service attacks have been going on for years. The recent attacks are the same, only this time there is no single source of the attack. We've seen these for years, too. The attacker first breaks into hundreds or thousands of random insecure computers (called "zombies") on the Internet and installs an attack program. Then he coordinates them all to attack the target at the same time. The target is attacked from many places at once; his traditional defenses just don't work, and he falls over dead. It's very much like the pizza delivery attack: Alice doesn't like Bob, so she calls a hundred pizza delivery parlors and, from each one, has a pizza delivered to Bob's house at 11:00 PM. At 11, Bob's front porch is filled with 100 pizza deliverers, all demanding their money. It looks to Bob like the pizza Mafia is out to get him, but the pizza parlors are victims too. The real attacker is nowhere to be seen. This sounds like a complicated attack on the Internet, and it is. But unfortunately, it only takes one talented programmer with a poor sense of ethics to automate and distribute the attacks. Once a DDS tool is publicly available, an attacker doesn't need skill; he can use a simple point-and-click interface to infect the intermediate sites, as well as to coordinate and launch the attack. This is what's new: easy-to-use DDS tools like Trin00 and Tribal Flood Network. These attacks are incredibly difficult, if not impossible, to defend against. In a traditional denial-of-service attack, the victim computer might be able to figure out where the attack is coming from and shut down those connections. But in a distributed attack, there is no single source. The computer should shut down all connections except for the ones it knows to be trusted, but that doesn't work for a public Internet site. Other defenses also have problems. I've seen proposals that force the client to perform an expensive calculation to make a connection. (RSA pre-announced such a "solution.") This works against standard denial-of-service attacks, but not against a distributed one. Large-scale filtering at the ISPs can help, but that requires a lot of effort and will reduce network bandwidth noticeably. At least one report has suggested that a lack of authentication on the Internet is to blame. This makes no sense. The packets did harm just by the attempt to deliver them; whether or not they were authenticatable is completely irrelevant. Mandatory authentication would do nothing to prevent these attacks, or to track down the attackers. There have been two academic conferences on DDS attacks in recent weeks, and the general consensus is that there is no way to defend against these attacks. Sometimes the particular bugs exploited in the DDS attacks can be patched, but there are many that cannot. The Internet was not designed to withstand DDS attacks. Tracing the attacker is also incredibly difficult. Going back to the pizza delivery example, the only thing the victim could do is to ask the pizza parlors to help him catch the attacker. If all the parlors coordinated their phone logs, maybe they could figure out who ordered all the pizzas in the first place. Something similar is possible on the Internet, but it is unlikely that the intermediate sites kept good logs. Additionally, it is easy to disguise your location on the Internet. And if the attacker is in some Eastern European country with minimal computer crime laws, a bribable police, and no extradition treaties, there's nothing you can do anyway. So far, these attacks are strictly denial-of-service. They do not affect the data on the Web sites. These attacks cannot steal credit card numbers or proprietary information. They cannot transfer money out of your bank account to trade stocks in your name. Attackers cannot gain financially from these attacks. Still, they are very serious. And it is certainly possible that an attacker can use denial of service as a tool for a more complicated attack that IS designed to steal something. This is not to say that denial-of-service attacks are not real, or not important. For most big corporations, the biggest risk of a security breach is loss of income or loss of reputation, either of which is achieved by a conspicuous denial-of-service attack. And for companies with more mission- or life-critical data online, a DOS attack can literally put a person's life at risk. The real problem is that there are hundreds of thousands, possibly millions, of innocent naive computer users who are vulnerable to attack. They're using DSL or cable modems, they're always on the Internet with static IP addresses, and they can be taken over and used as launching pads for these (and other) attacks. The media is focusing on the mega e-corporations that are under attack, but the real story is the individual systems. Similarly, the real solutions are of the "civic hygiene" variety. Just as malaria was defeated in Washington, DC, by draining all the swamps, the only real way to prevent these attacks is to protect those millions of individual computers on the Internet. Unfortunately, we are building swampland at an incredible rate, and securing everything is impracticable. Even if personal firewalls had a 95% market penetration, and even if they were all installed and operated perfectly, there would still be enough insecure computers on the Internet to use for these attacks. I believe that any long-term solution will involve redesigning the entire Internet. Back in the 1960s, some people figured out that you could whistle, click, belch, or whatever into a telephone and make the system do things. This was the era of phone phreaking: black boxes, blue boxes, Captain Crunch whistles. The phone company did their best to defend against these attacks, but the basic problem was that the phone system was built with "in-band signaling": the control signal and the data signal traveled along the same wires. In the 1980s, the phone company completely redesigned the phone system. For example SS7, or Signaling System 7, was out-of-band. The voice path and data path were separated. Now it doesn't matter how hard you whistle into the phone system: the switch isn't listening. The attacks simply don't work. (Red boxes still work, against payphones, by mimicking the in-band tones that count the coins deposited in the phones.) In the long term, out-of-band signaling is the only way to deal with many of the vulnerabilities of the Internet, DDS attacks among them. Unfortunately, there are no plans to redesign the Internet in this way, and any such undertaking might be just too complicated to even consider. |
Apparently the real solution is 100% secure systems -- that any computer with a permanent connection to the Internet be 100% secured from the initial compromise by the cracker.
OK! So that's not going to happen!
So what is needed is at least a greatly heightened awareness of system security from sysadmins who manage Internet connected computer systems.
And yet this will only help, only some what...
Bruce Schneier apparently thinks a re-design of the Internet itself may be needed!
Certainly what is *not* needed is greater Federal power to do wire-taps and other forms of digital/electronic surveillance!
The Transport Control Pixies and the Internet Pixies system the Internet currently uses can be abused, as the recent DoS attacks illustrate, especially with the fat pipes to which many people now have access. These pipes allow many malicious Pixies to be sent to a target, completely overwhelming the targets ability to process them. The large numbers of Pixies that can traverse these fat pipes is the main problem as I see it. A good short-term solution would be the replacement of the fat pipes with bundles of thin pipes. At the targets end, each thin pipe would have a small tap - when a DoS attack is detected, simply open the taps in turn to allow the unwanted Pixies to drain out into a bucket. Alternatively, a manned barrier could be set up at the end of each thin pipe, and any swarthy looking, suspiciously odious, black hatted, or otherwise dubious Pixies can be turned away. This doesn't aid tracing the source, but will allow the force of the attack to be diminished such that the target can remain relatively unscathed. Tracing an attack to the immediate source can easily be accomplished by having a little valve in the thin pipe that when turned will shut off the Pixie flow. Subsequent Pixes entering the pipe will cause it to bulge gradually as the backlog builds up. By repeating this procedure back from each machine the source will eventually be found. To save having to walk all that way, the valves could have long pieces of string attached to them so they can be turned on and off remotely. Finding the perpetrator of the DoS is more problematic. These days, the normal breadcrumb back trail can be easily garbled by the less than savoury element on the internet. The new Internet Pixie v6 implements the Taut String from End to End system to tie the source to destination - any severing of the string to re-route it can be instantly detected by loss of tension. However, this does us no good currently. It only takes a single Pixie to start a DoS attack, and finding it may not always be possible. An amateur will often leave the initial Pixie unharmed. If a suspicious one is found, sieze it immediately (ensure to keep its hands away from any magic pouches/flowers/musical instruments that it may have on its person). A poorly cast Mind Erasure spell can easily be undone by any one of a number of Re_Mind perl scripts. A properly cast Mind Erasure can be tricky to undo and will require a special Module be used - if you're not at ease with compiling programs, pop the Pixie in a Jiffy Bag and post it to hemos@slashdot.org (you may need to flatten the packet a little to get it into the floppy disk orifice) - hemos will de-spell it and send the results back by return). A professional won't allow such evidence to remain - a common method is the Pixie On A Bungee technique. The perpetrator fires said Pixie into the attack machine with a long rubber band attached. With skill, the Pixie shoots in, pushes the Start lever and gets yanked back out at very high speed. A telltale clue of this is often fingernail scratches - sometimes a misjudgement as to bungee length can leave fingers embedded in the lever handle. Unfortunately, unless the Pixie drops his ID card, the chances of tracking back further are very small, and really best left to the authorities. Wingnut |
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