![]() Hideously out-of-date! A lot of this is from about February of 2002 :-/ |
OK: so as long as I'm screwing around with this, how 'bout another quick update?At 11/12/2006: *everything's* changed... Important stuff, from left to right
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At 07/03/2004:
I'm running various versions of KRUD Linux, from tummy.com |
Old incident logs reported by the FinchHaven datacenter firewall![]() |
A long, long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away... I started to upgrade to the 2.4.2 Linux kernel (But I kinda got interrupted...) Things are always busy at FinchHaven: ...long about mid-fall 2000 I got bored with only two boxes. (I mean, two computers: how limiting...) So in March of 2001 I built another computer!
Really (Ancient) History:
The FinchHaven Data CenterHideously out-of-date! This is from about February of 2002 :-/
GoTo the top Currently:("Currently" really being 02/02/02..)What really happened after I got the first FIC/AMD box built was, that by mid-summer 2000 I'd become so interested in intrusion detection and analysis that too much user space stuff was creeping onto the firewall Pentium 150, and because the FIC box was pretty full with web site maintenance, I decided, "What the heck..." and built another user-space box. What also happened is that TC Computers kept cutting the price on the FIC VA503+ mobo, and on the AMD K62-500, such that by March 2001 both the mobo *and* the cpu were down to $95.00 for the *pair* -- so I bit and threw in 128mb ram and a 10gb WD hdd *and* the ATI xpert 2000 video card -- and got the whole lot for $340.00. Add an Enlight case and an SMC 1211TX 10/100 NIC, a CD-rom drive and a floppy drive, and the whole deal came to about $480.00 By fall of 2001 memory prices were down low enough that I pumped the two FIC's up to 256mb; the firewall Pentium 150 up to 96mb (damn 72-pin SIMM's are *not* cheap..) and the Celery 366 box up to 196mb... OK: at July Fourth, 2000, for a while I'm finally back into user-space enough to actually get some real work done on my website, www.FinchHaven.com. What does user-space mean? After the last year as a builder and sysadmin, it means I can just sit back and *use* my computers for a while, rather than working on them. So, for fun I'll work on my website! Which was *quite* a change, because www.FinchHaven.com kinda went to hell there... ...and there's a helluva lot of work yet to be done on the computers. Spring 2000... So, what have I got to show for the last year?
The FIC/AMD K6-2 box is a dual-boot between Windows 98 and RedHat Linux 6.2, kernel 2.2.14-5.0 (Zoot), and is in Linux about 99% of the time... I'm running KDE pretty much exclusively...
The Abit/Celery 366 box is single-boot into Windows 98. I use it for Quicken 2000, and Rosalie uses it for IE 5.0 and the chat rooms she hangs in, and games. The Abit/Celery 366 box uses a ViewSonic G773 17 inch monitor, and is housed in an Enlight 7237 mid-tower case.
The Asus/Pentium 150 box is running Linux only: RedHat Linux 6.2, kernel 2.2.14-5.0 (Zoot), and has Gnome available, but is running from the command line almost all the time. It's running an ipchains-based firewall, PortSentry and LogCheck from Psionic, a caching-only nameserver, Apache, MySQL, Samba, xntpd for external time synchronization, and timed for internal time synchronization. The Asus/Pentium 150 box and the FIC/AMD K6-2 box share an Optiquest Q73 17 inch monitor, and both of them are housed in Enlight 6550 mini-tower cases. To deal with the computers-to-monitors-ratio issue, the Asus/Pentium 150 box and the FIC/AMD K6-2 box are hooked up to a Linksys ProConnect SView02 KVM (Keyboard/Video/Mouse) switch, which is *really* cool! The necessary cables came from Belkin. So I only need one keyboard, mouse and monitor for the two computers!
The Gateway 2K has got RedHat Linux 5.2 on, and runs a cool old Gateway 2000 CrystalScan 1024NI 13 inch monitor. So what the heck do ya do with four computers?Ya network 'em!
So, what's the plan, here? Ya have a plan, dontcha?OK: the plan is that the Asus/Pentium 150 box is a firewall/router, and the other three computers are networked into the Asus through the hub, and the Asus goes outward to the Internet through one dialup via the USR 56k Courier. The internal boxes benefit from using ipchains and ip masquerading on the firewall, ip masquerading being a Linux-based form of NAT or Network Address Translation, so that internally every box has it's own IP address, but externally we seem to only have/need one dynamically-assigned IP from worldnet.att.net And let me tell ya, it works, and it works *great*!I can be surfing on the FIC/AMD K6-2 box, running Linux and Netscape 4.76, while Rosalie is down on the Celery 366 box running Win98 and IE 5.0, chatting, and neither of us really notices the other person in terms of performance or responsivness. I really didn't know what to expect from the setup. I mean, I knew the general *concept* would work, but I really expected to hear from Rosalie long-and-loud about how her chat rooms were too slow - and I haven't heard *one word* from her! No kidding! The real kicker is that, somehow, subjectively, performance seems to be *better* than the old Celery 366/USR Courier 56k combination when we used it alone. I can listen to www.groovetech.com through RealPlayer for Unix, rev., under Linux on the AMD/K6-2 box, and surf at the same time, and RealAudio never misses a beat. It *never* did that good under Windows 98! My guess: Linux has a 'way better implementation of the TCP stack, and Windows 98 is simply *not* optimized for dialup connectivity, to put it mildly...And the real punchline is that, with my crappy phone lines, I'm *never* connecting at over 28.8 -- more often at 26.4!! I'm running IPTraf on the Asus/Pentium 150 firewall, and it rarely shows that ppp0 is taking in over about 24kbits per second! And yet the performance is unmistakably better than the same modem under Windows 98! Killer!Bomb!(or, as I used to say.. Bitchen! |
GoTo the top The Really Big Plan is underway at 03/18/00:
..and then
So the Big Question is whether the AMD K6-2/FIC box will be the Win98 box, and the ABIT BM6 box will be dual-boot Linux and minimal Win98, or vice versa... GoTo the top Further developments at 01/00..
GoTo the top And, at late 12/99, it's now clear:
GoTo the top So, at early 12/99, did I mention the Abit BM6 Socket 370 box?The next phase in my plan for world domination!
So that was the Plan, but Windows had other ideas...
And it's fast! Hoo baby! Sssmokin' Why don't I just blow away Windows completely and go 100% Linux?
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Here's the old guy (the 386, not me..) compiling a new kernel in October, 1999 when I added the SMC EtherEz NIC and the SMC hub (the hub didn't have anything to do with compiling the kernel - just the NIC).
Compiling a new kernel seems to take about 7 hours (!) -- at least the make zimage part..
Basically I'd fire it off and go to work, and when I'd come home, Presto! New Kernel!
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My Apple ][+ was purchased at Computerland in May of 1981 for $2102.73: $1440.00 for the cpu with 48k RAM (!); one Disk ][ for $555.00; and an RF modulator thrown in so I could hook it up to a b/w TV I had!
At the time, there was considerable discussion as to exactly why I need that much memory! (The frugal went with the stock 16k of RAM..)
My answer, which satisfied my critics, was that I intended to run VisiCalc.
"Oh.." they said, nodding, "then you probably do need 48k..."
How times change...
Later came a 13" NEC Green-screen monitor ($198.45); a Videx 80 column video card ($279.90); an Epson MX-80 printer, interface and cable ($811.73); and at some time I added a ram-disk board that cost a fortune, and a second floppy drive...
And of course the "Language Card" to pump it up to 64k, and the shift key mod (Remember the shift key mod? How about Little Brick Out?)
And what did I do with it? Hack Applesoft Basic, and Manx Aztec C, and 6502 assember..
And play Valdez! Ever hear about Valdez, by Dynacomp? Probably not..
Valdez was:
"..a simulation of supertanker navigation in the Prince William Sound area of Alaska. It contains a detailed analysis of ship response characteristics...a model of tidal patterns...a variable-range radar display...which shows the land masses and other traffic (ships and icebergs)."
I'm not kidding! That was one totally cool game! All rendered in asterisks and dots and hyphens, and tremendously realistic!
I did a hack that rendered the display in Applesoft color graphics on the Videx, but it's certainly an extinct game now! Somebody ought to re-do a version!
But I digress...
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OK: see above. The new (12/99) install of Win95 on the new Celery 366 box got *really* weird *really* fast (even for Windows!) so now 01/28/00 the Celery 366 is running Win(* oops.. Win98 only, and it seems fairly stable..
The Celery 366 has IE 5.0 on it, and it seems to be stable, but I don't really know 'cause I use Navigator 4.5 and only my kid uses IE 5.0..
Quicken 2.0 blew-up big time in 12/99 (and couldn't read my backups! HA-HA! 5 years of financial records gone -- I mean I still got all the paper, but..) so now I've got Quicken 2000 Basic on, and I *really* like it! And it settles the Y2K deal...
The dual-boot Pentium 150 has Red Hat 5.2 and Win95 4.00.950a in a really minimal installation; the GW2K 80386 continues to run Red Hat 5.2...
And so it goes..
At 11/99 I've got DOS 6.22 and Win95 4.00.950a on, and Red Hat Linux 5.2 (Apollo), and currently I'm spending about 80% of my time in Linux, and 20% in Win95 when I need to do something very specific, like run Quicken 2.0 - although with Wine running under Linux Quicken 2.0 runs fine...
...but Quicken 2.0 has got to go away, because parts of it do understand 2000, but other parts *don't* if ya get what I mean...
It's that Y2K deal..
My kid still likes Win95 because IE 4.0 works best for the chat rooms she likes to hang in, and it still has a lot of good games.
And the new Creative Labs Sound Blaster Live! and the Cambridge/PCWorks 4-speaker-subwoofer is an awesome combination!
Don't get me wrong: Win95 is very pretty and all, and actually is a good user interface, but I'm damned sick of how buggy and flaky it is!
I (05/98) put on yet another completely fresh install of DOS 6.22 and Win95, and within one day of putting Win95 back on I was getting Registry errors, and The Blue Screen of Death and "Windows [or whatever program] has stopped responding..." or "Illegal Operation in..." NUTS!
For those people who never tinker with their machine, or who never install anything old or odd, or who let Windows make all their decisions for them, it may work OK...
...but I like to mess around, and it's just too fragile, and just too odd!
At 06/99 for example, something I'd recently installed (the SoundBlaster software? RealAudio G2? Yahoo Pager?) had made [alt-left arrow]
(back one page) stop working in IE 4.0, and in Netscape 3.01!! What is that all about? Well, it's Windows bullsh*t, is what!
And I'm sick of the incessant update treadmill!
OK: at 01/00 I will kinda take that back, 'cause I *have* put Win98 on the Celery 366, but I'll take it back only because I didn't have to spend a penny on Win98: when I bailed on my subscription to the Microsoft Developer Network (Yes! Yes! I know...) the last CD release they had sent me had the *first* production release of Win98, so I've had it all along.
But wait! Hold the phone!
What did P.T Barnum say?
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OK: so I put RedHat 5.0 on in May '98; it had become clear (10/98) that it was time to redo a bunch of things:
/etc/fstab was giving:
/dev/hda7 / /dev/hda9 /home /dev/hdc /mnt/cdrom /dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy /dev/hda8 /usr /dev/hda1 /mnt/dosc /dev/hda5 /mnt/dosd /dev/hda6 /mnt/dose /dev/hdb5 /mnt/dosf /dev/hdb6 /mnt/dosg none /procThis kinda stuff is not really important, really, but it became one thing to fix when it also became apparent that I just hadn't given enough disk space to Linux...
rpm -Va
or a rpm -Vp what.ever.foo.2.1.0.rpm
and supposedly everything was cool but if I attempted to upgrade or remove I'd sometimes get an error and sometimes not, and still the app itself wouldn't run or some part was missing; or I'd rebuild the rpm database and everything shoulda been cool but it wasn't when I tried to do something else, etc etc, so that was another reason to start over...
So I had been thinking about starting over... (Hey! Nobody said this was gonna be easy! And in fact, that's part of The Whole Point!)
And besides, RHL 5.2 was out and was getting good reviews and had the Gimp and Apache and what the heck!
So I bought it for myself for Christmas, and in January '99 I deleted a bunch of junk in Win95 and moved some stuff and repartitioned and did a full fresh install of 5.2 (Apollo) and that's what we've got now!
The Gimp is great, and I've got Netscape Communicator, and with the new ATI Xpert 98 video card and the hacks I made to XF86Config, Xfree86 is Glorious! simply Glorious! in 1024x768x24colors!
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Went into CompUSA and paid retail for "The Complete" RedHat Linux 5.0 package - two cd's and the RHL User's Guide. Wanted to get one full distro in one lump and have a specific baseline to start with...
Took about one-and-a-half days to really get it put on and get up and running.
So I sat back and did some serious thinking, and began to wonder about having deleted that partition out under DOS 6.22, using Partition Magic.
And I decided to undo that and start over. HA!
To make a long story short, although the system would re-boot under DOS 6.22, and WFW 3.11 and Win95 would all run, Partition Magic now thought I had no identifiable operating system of any kind (!) on the first physical drive. And fdisk under DOS wouldn't work, and finally I found that even format c: wouldn't work!
I decided that the only way I could get ahold of the first physical drive was to get out the installation disk from Western Digital, and go back to zero!
So I spent an hour moving everything I really wanted off the first drive and onto the second physical drive (I've got almost 4.3gb..)
And... poof! All Gone!
And it went great!
The only thing I really had to tinker with was the auto-detect auto-detected my mouse on com 1 (which has the modem) not on com 2 where it really is, causing XFree86 to hang big-time when I first tried to run it..
So I had to rm /dev/mouse
and ln -s /dev/cua1 /dev/mouse
(God! Look at that: ln -s /dev/cua1 /dev/mouse
! Don't you just love Unix!) to get the mouse to work right..
And it's just too cool!
It is definitely an acquired taste, though. I saw one posting from a guy at news://comp.os.linux.install (I think) who had gotten to where he had a command prompt, and was wondering what to do next..
If you have only run a PC under the Windows/GUI era you may not get what the attraction is. Even XFree86 is pretty terse right out of the box, and outside of XWindows, the command prompt will seem utterly barren for most people.
But, if you've ever stayed up 'way too late at night, tweaking a program you'd written (or bought - there was a time when you actually got the program - back when software came in ziplock baggies..) to get it just right - Linux may be for you.
People have asked me what the big attraction, or what the big deal is with Linux. I've kinda gotten to the point where I describe Linux as being like buying a kit car:
Linux will take you back to, or introduce you to, computing for computing's sake!
What's the point of it?
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![]() Hideously out-of-date! This is from about February of 2002 :-/ |
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All my digital photography |
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