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The 2002 Itinerary The 2002 Arrival/Departure schedule About the city of Himeji Japan travel Japan news Japan weather About Vashon High School |
Here's the home page for Himeji Minami high school in Himeji city, Hyogo prefecture, Japan
2002 pictures are current through Monday, April 22, Japan time.
Everyone'e home safe!
Update: Tuesday morning, April 23, 2002
From: "our_host_family" <our_host_family@mub.biglobe.ne.jp> To: "John Sage" <jsage@finchhaven.com> Subject: Re: Hey Dad!!! Date: Tue, 23 Apr 2002 20:36:17 +0900 Hey, Dad Sunday got a lot better since I e-mailed you. We went shopping and then went to Karaoke with Piper, Stephen, me, and everyone's host sisters. It was so much fun!!! We spent 3 hours, and we all could have spent more singing. I cant wait to see you tomorrow. Tonight [Tuesday, Japan time] they threw a huge going away party for all of us. It was so fun...but my stupid camera broke. I finished a roll of film and it wouldnt rewind. I think I exposed some of the pictures so I'm bummed. We have to get it fixed so I can if we can save the pictures on that roll cause they are from Hiroshima, and Miyajima. See you tomorrow. Love you!!! Love Rosalie
Update: Monday morning, April 22, 2002
No news... What? They're too busy having fun to write us, while we sit home worrying? A lot of thanks we get!
Update: Sunday, April 21, 2002
No news...
Update: Saturday, April 20, 2002
From: "our_host_family" <our_host_family@mub.biglobe.ne.jp> To: "John Sage" <jsage@finchhaven.com> Subject: Re: Hey Dad!!! Date: Sat, 20 Apr 2002 20:26:17 +0900 Hey Dad Everything is still going great!! I saw the pictures, the one of Piper is so funny! She is going to kill you. Today [Saturday, Japan time] Risa [Rosalie's host sister], Suzanne, and Shoko, her host sister and I went to Kyoto. Wow! Kyoto is one the the highlights of this trip. It was so beautiful!! I bought so many good gifts, especially for you!! I spent way too much money there. The food has been great. I have had tempura, yakitori, yakisoba, udon, ramen, and lots more of Japanese food. Well I just wanted to say hi, talk to you soon. See you on Wednesday, have a great next few days. Love you all. Love Rosalie
Update: Friday, April 19, 2002
From: "our_host_family" <our_host_family@mub.biglobe.ne.jp> To: "John Sage" <jsage@finchhaven.com> Subject: Re: Hey Dad!!! Date: Fri, 19 Apr 2002 22:15:51 +0900 Hey Dad, How are you? I am having so much fun in Japan. Today [Friday, Japan time] we went to Kobe. It was really fun, it is Seattle's sister city. It is a lot different from Himeji, a lot more huge buildings, cars, and people. We also went to China Town, that was really fun, we had a lot of really good food there. Tomorrow [Saturday, Japan time] Risa [Rosalie's host sister], Suzanne and her host sister, and I are going to Kyoto. Can't wait to see everyone when I get home, I am really tired so I think I'm going to go to bed. Talk to you soon. I love You!! Love always Rosalie
Date: Fri, 19 Apr 2002 01:22:31 -0800 From: "mwilliams" <mwilliams@vashonsd.wednet.edu> To: John Sage <jsage@finchhaven.com> Subject: pictures! Thanks John, I think I can send the photos. Let me know if it doesnt work. Pictures of archery club and our visit to Hirohata Preschool.
Date: Fri, 19 Apr 2002 02:26:15 -0700 From: John Sage <jsage@finchhaven.com> To: mwilliams <mwilliams@vashonsd.wednet.edu> Subject: Re: pictures! Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful! Drop everything: send more pictures! - John
Update: Thursday, April 18, 2002
Date: Wed, 17 Apr 2002 22:52:06 -0800 From: "mwilliams" <mwilliams@vashonsd.wednet.edu> To: John Sage <jsage@finchhaven.com> Subject: Re: Himeji trip web page Hi John, How are you? Well, we made it to Japan and have had two busy days already. I haven't been able to upload any photos yet, but we are working on it. Hopefully later today or tomorrow. If worse comes to worse, I will e-mail them to you when we get home. For now, I will tell you a little bit about what we have been doing if you want to add that to our page that would be great. We left Vashon on the 6am ferry on Monday and arrived in Himeji at about 7:30pm on Tuesday night Japan time (nearly 22 hours later). The students already had made Japanese friends on the airplane and Ross already had numerous requests for photos before we had even arrived at the school. The host students greeted us at Himeji Minami with a welcome banner and students left from there to go to their host families homes. Wednesday, we attended a welcome ceremony in our honor where Ross and I made speeches in Japanese and Andrew sang a song from the Simpsons in front of all 900 Himeji students and teachers. When the ceremony was over we went to visit Kokoen Garden and Himeji Castle. Although it was raining the castle was stunning and an English language tour guide told us all about the history and legends of the castle. Today [Thursday, Japan time] we were stars at Hirohata Kindergarten where we were greeted by 35 screaming, giggling children eager (yet nervous) to play with the Vashon students. We hula hooped, played restaurant, soccer, on the jungle gym, listened to the children sing, and received paper garlands from the adorable students. From there we visited Hirohata Junior High School where we saw various classes. This afternoon Vashon students are attending classes with their host students and writing in their travel journals about their experiences and impressions so far. Thank you for the time you have spent on our webpage. I hope to have pictures to you soon!
Update: Wednesday, April 17, 2002
From: "our_host_family" <our_host_family@mub.biglobe.ne.jp> To: <jsage@finchhaven.com> Subject: Hey Dad!!! Date: Wed, 17 Apr 2002 21:02:00 +0900 Hey dad, How are you? I am doing great. I hope mom told you I called this morning. I can only call in the morning because of the time difference. Today we went to Himeji castle. It was amazing!!! Ms. Williams said she was going to try to send you pictures to put up on the web page. Tell mom I said hi! Talk to you soon, write back. I love you!!! Love Rosalie
Update: Tuesday, April 16, 2002
The last part of the flight and the landing was a little bumpy, but everyone survived.
Himeji Minami Senior High School, in Himeji city, Hyogo Prefecture, Japan, is Vashon High School's sister school.
Each year a group of students travel from Himeji, Japan to Vashon Island, or from Vashon Island to Himeji, for a one- to two week visit, alternating each year.
In 2002, approximately 15 Vashon High School students will be traveling to Himeji, Japan, from April 15-24, 2002.
Himeji Minami Senior High School,
Himeji, Hyogo Prefecture, Japan
The Himeji Minami Senior High School web site, and some web pages at Himeji Minami Senior High School: |
"International Relations" - The United States, Washington State, Puget Sound, and Vashon Island by map, in Japanese!A previous (2000?) visit to Himeji Minami High School |
Himeji Minami Senior High School Address: 191-5 Tenma Otsu-ku Himeji Hyogo 671-1143 Japan Tel: 0792-36-1835
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About Himeji...
An excellent web site about the city of Himeji, itself: "Himeji City has formed sister affiliations with five cities and one castle overseas and is strengthening the bonds of friendship through goodwill delegations, young people's visits and other mutual exchanges. The number of people from overseas visiting Himeji or taking up residence here, meanwhile, is increasing year by year and creating a need for a broadening of the scope of international communication in the city." |
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Japan travel
The Japan National Tourist OrganizationKansai International AirportA map of Kansai AirportInternational Arrivals at KansaiThe Statistical Handbook of Japan, 2003There are two excellent maps here: a geographical map of Japan and an administrative map of Japan |
An excellent railway map of central JapanThe West Japan Railway CompanyThe Himeji train stationMaybe the kids will get to travel on the 500 Series Shinkansen! |
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Japan News
The Asahi ShimbunThe Japan Times online |
Kyodo NewsKid's Web Japan |
Some of these links were quite happily stolen from Williams Sensei's homepage!
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The weather for Himeji, Kyogo, JapanAt weather.yahoo.com Japan weather at the Japan National Tourist Organization |
Forecasts for the Kyoto/Osaka/Kobe areas2004 West Pacific hurricane information :-/(Actually, they're called "typhoons" - and the real season in the west Pacific is mostly from June through December) |
Some interesting Japan-related links:
About the time difference: Williams Sensei says: "Add four hours, and switch A.M. to P.M., or vice versa."So the kids left Vashon High School at 5:30am Monday, which (adding four hours and switching A.M. to P.M.) is 9:30pm Monday night in Himeji... Of course, there's also the International Date Line in between here and there, but that only comes into play when you're actually traveling. So although the kids left Vashon on Monday morning, they'll arrive in Japan on Tuesday afternoon, roughly 17 clock hours later. And when they come home, they'll leave Japan at 5:00pm local time, Wednesday April 24, and arrive here at 1:15pm the same day! Time travel! (I think... :-) |
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Meet at Vashon High school at 5:15am to load the bus. The bus will be leaving at 5:30am sharp. Mrs Kirkland will be accompanying students to the airport where Williams Sensei will meet you at the Air Canada counter. Remember to have your passport in a safe but easily accessible place. 2002 departure schedule: Monday, April 15, 2002: Air Canada flight 8094
Flight time: 50min, distance: 127 miles Air Canada flight 35
Flight time: 10hr 55min, distance: 4942 miles |
2002 arrival schedule: Wednesday, April 24, 2002: Air Canada flight 36
Flight time: 9hr 20min (with the jet stream) Air Canada flight 8097
Flight time: 50min We ask that parents pick up (or arrange to carpool) your student at Sea-Tac on April 24, 2002 at 1:15pm. |
Call Air Canada at 1-888-247-2262 to confirm the arrival time
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The 2002 Itinerary:
Vashon in April 2002 |
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