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John Sage's FinchHaven™ Digital Photography from Vashon Island, Washington
Last updated: Thursday 04/27/2023 11:23:11 PDT for https, edits
Beginning in May 2017 and onward, all my new photography will be featured only at
John Sage :: FinchHaven Digital Photography
on SmugMug
The really, really, really old stuff. You know, "slides" and "prints" from "film" that you had to get "developed"?
The Twentieth Anniversary, held at the Vashon Island Theater, February 26, 2017
In memory of James Scott Martin, January 6, 1929 - January 9, 2011
In memory of 1LT Robert Bennedsen, June 18, 1985 - July 18, 2010
Rosalie and Bryan's Wedding, September 12, 2009!
Vashon Island Links? OK: let's be honest here, folks. Fifteen years ago when the Internet was relatively young, it was really *cool* to have a list of links to neat stuff you'd found on the World Wide Web. Now it's both an impossible and an irrelevant task (think Google ) so the Vashon Island Links I once collected are mainly for historical interest and many links may be broken. Someday maybe I can start to get them updated in my "spare time"...
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Feat: Liv's Catch One and Catch Two!
The final out, Up by Ten after Five, and the Postgame
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The Twentieth Anniversary, held at the Vashon Island Theater February 26, 2017
Being: Video credits: 20th Anniversary of Oscar Night on Vashon Island; A video history: saving the Vashon Island Theater; Our MC and our evening's Ocsar assistants; Awards: Best Dressed Girl and Boy 11 and Younger; Awards: Best Dressed PJ's
Being: Catering by Snapdragon; video slideshow: the Red Carpet Arrivals; Snapdragon: dinner is served; award: Celebrity Look-alike, Child, Teen and Adult; award: Best-dDressed Teen Male; award: Best Dressed Adult Female; Meryl Streep award: best use of celebrity for social justice
Being: award: Most Outrageous "Cher" Award; a Thank-you to Lesie and Marty; award: Best-dressed Teen Female; award: Best-dressed Adult Couple; after-Oscar Night special portraits
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Goofin' with Varsity!
Chloe's awesome ... takedown!
VIHS Girls Varsity Basketball v Charles Wright 01/24/2017 ·
Coming soon! ·
* * * halftime * * *
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Feat Eva's Famous New Shoes...
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Vashon Island High School Wrestling v Klahowya: JV Matches
Vashon Island High School Wrestling v Klahowya: JV Matches
Varsity Matches: Vashon Island High School Wrestling v Klahowya 01/13/2017
Vashon Island High School Wrestling v Klahowya: Varsity Match Set one
Vashon Island High School Wrestling v Klahowya: Varsity Match Set one
The first Varsity match ended up fitting into one set perfectly. That won't always be the case...
Vashon Island High School Wrestling v Klahowya: Varsity Match Set six
These are the two matches before and after Luke's. If that makes any sense...
Vashon Island High School Wrestling v Klahowya: Varsity Match Set six
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* * * halftime * * *
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Vashon Island High School Boys Varsity Basketball v Sultan First half Set two
And ...
... he fakes him into the popcorn machine!
Vashon Island High School Boys Varsity Basketball v Sultan First half Set two
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at Basketball v Chimacum 01/03/2017
at Basketball v Sultan
At Basketball v Shelton
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Vashon Island Soccer Club
At the Harbor School fields, Vashon Island Washington, 12/04/2016
* * * half time * * *
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* * * halftime * * *
Vashon Island High School Girls Varsity Basketball v Northwest Second half Set three
Stay calm, everyone, Presley's got this!
Vashon Island High School Girls Varsity Basketball v Northwest Second half Set three
* * * halftime * * *
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Halloween on Vashon Island 2016: Set one
Halloween on Vashon Island 2016: Set one
Halloween on Vashon Island 2016: Set two
Halloween on Vashon Island 2016: Set two
Halloween on Vashon Island 2016: Set three
Halloween on Vashon Island 2016: Set three
Halloween on Vashon Island 2016: Set four
Halloween on Vashon Island 2016: Set four
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A little later in the summer this year: September 11, 2016. One of the biggest turn-outs I can remember seeing though...
Vintage Motorcycle Enthusiasts 2016: Set one
Vintage Motorcycle Enthusiasts 2016: Set one
Vintage Motorcycle Enthusiasts 2016: Set two
Vintage Motorcycle Enthusiasts 2016: Set two
Vintage Motorcycle Enthusiasts 2016: Set three
Vintage Motorcycle Enthusiasts 2016: Set three
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Vashon Island High School - Fall 2016
At December 2, 2016, I've heavily-edited this Fall VIHS Sports section to make space for Winter Sports.
All the pics are still at each event, but this index now has way, way less...
Sorry, no Homecoming Dance pics this year: I didn't get asked ;)
Vashon Island High School Homecoming Court 2016 Set one
Vashon Island High School Homecoming Court 2016 Set one
Vashon Island High School Homecoming Court 2016 Set two
Vashon Island High School Homecoming Court 2016 Set two
Vashon Island High School Homecoming Court 2016 Set three
Vashon Island High School Homecoming Court 2016 Set three
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Vashon Island High School Homecoming Parade 2016 Set one
Vashon Island High School Homecoming Parade 2016 Set one
Vashon Island High School Homecoming Parade 2016 Set two
Vashon Island High School Homecoming Parade 2016 Set two
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Vashon Island High School Football-Fall Cheer Seniors Night 2016Set one
Vashon Island High School Football-Fall Cheer Seniors Night 2016 Set one
Vashon Island High School Football-Fall Cheer Seniors Night 2016 Set two
Vashon Island High School Football-Fall Cheer Seniors Night 2016Set two
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Held the night of the fantastic 5-0 clean-sheet shutout over Charles Wright!
Vashon Island High School Girls Soccer Seniors Night 2016: Set one
Vashon Island High School Girls Soccer Seniors Night 2016: Set one
Vashon Island High School Girls Soccer Seniors Night 2016: Set two
Vashon Island High School Girls Soccer Seniors Night 2016: Set two
Vashon Island High School Girls Soccer Seniors Night 2016: Set three
Vashon Island High School Girls Soccer Seniors Night 2016: Set three
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Vashon Island High School - Fall 2016
at Football v Cedar Park Christian:
at Football v Mount Douglas:
at Football v Klahowya:
At Football v Cedar Park Christian
At Football v Cedar Park Christian
At Football v Mount Douglas
With the Halftime Dance Routine in Sets two and three, and the Halftime Banner Run-through in Set four!
At Football v Mount Douglas
At Football v Klahowya
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Vashon Island High School - Fall 2016
Be sure to check out Hannah's great up at about 10:05, including a totally-cool super-slo-mo replay ;) in Game one, and at 9:30 in Game two, Coach Kara and "Do I have to do everything myself?"
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Vashon Island High School - Fall 2016
Vashon Island High School JV Volleyball v Chimacum: Set one
Vashon Island High School JV Volleyball v Chimacum: Set one
Vashon Island High School Varsity Volleyball v Chimacum: Game One
Vashon Island High School Varsity Volleyball v Chimacum: Game Two
Vashon Island High School Varsity Volleyball v Chimacum: Game three
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At Lou Engels' Repair and Towing, Maury Island, WA
Engels Car Show 2016 Set one
Engels Car Show 2016 Set one
Engels Car Show 2016 Set two
Engels Car Show 2016 Set two
Still photography!
And that's a wrap on Vashon Island Strawberry Festival 2016!
Sunday July 17, 2016
Tom Stewart Memorial Car Parade Set one
Tom Stewart Memorial Car Parade Set two
Tom Stewart Memorial Car Parade Set four
The Kids Parade ·
The Grand Parade Set one ·
The Grand Parade Set two ·
The Grand Parade Set three ·
The Grand Parade Set four ·
The Grand Parade Set five ·
The Grand Parade Set six ·
The Grand Parade Set seven ·
The Grand Parade Set one
Being: VIFR Firetruck, the Color Guard, Vashon Strawberry Festival Grand Marshall, Strawberry Festival Grand Parade sponsor, Friends of Mukai / Kabuki Academy, Vashon Senior Center / Bernie and Hillary for Mayor
The Grand Parade Set two
Being: Voice of Vashon, First in Dog Obedience, Vashon Community Care / Strawberry Festival King and Queen, Cub Scoout Pack #275, Vashon Island Pet Protectors, Vashon-Maury Co-op Preschool
Being: Vashon Daisy Girl Scouts, Eileen Cody / Sharon Nelson, Rainbow City Marching Band, Vashon-Maury Community Food Bank, Vashon Youth and Family Services / Noodle for Mayor, Honoring Mike Kimmel, Seattle Schools All-City Marching Band
The Grand Parade Set four
Being: Vashon Tool Library, Bruce Haulman Junior Sailing Program, Vashon Ukelele Society, The Old Tractor Society, The Rat Detective, Thriftway Shopping Car Drill Team
The Grand Parade Set five
Being: Miss Thriftway of Washington State U-60 Unlimited Hydro, Vashon Heritage Museum / Rebecca Wittman for Mayor, Vashon-Maury Island Land Trust, Vashon Island High School Football and Fall Cheer, Chicago! / Drama Dock
The Grand Parade Set six
Being: Vashon Bikes, Guide Dog Puppy Raisers, Vashon Latino Community, Eagle Log Cabins / Unforgettable Fire, Vashon Garden Club
Being: The Backbone Campaign, First Student, RJ's Kids, the Grand Parade afterguard...
First Teasers!
The 5K start, the Bill Burby Memorial 5-10K race, Vashon Island Strawberry Festival 2016!
Island Style, the Tom Stewart Memorial Car Parade and Show, Vashon Island Strawberry Festival 2016!
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Now up!
* * * INTERMISSION * * *
And also see:
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I'm putting up the B Building - A Building demolitions, and the final site work photos as I get them done, here:
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FinchHaven™ Digital Photography
By John Sage, former Vashon Island potter and resident of Vashon Island for over 36 years
The really, really, really old stuff. You know, "slides" and "prints" from "film" that you had to get "developed"?
Remember: this stuff is *really* old and completely unmaintained...
Vashon Island links quick picks:
"Our dream is to offer Vashon a community space with an arts focus.
Our goal is to provide a performing arts, events and meeting facility that is well equipped, flexible, affordable and available to island arts groups and individual artists for the realization of their projects and dreams.
Given our experience with non-profit and public entities, we have structured this as a hybrid endeavor - at its core it is a philanthropic initiative, built on a private enterprise model, with a community service mission and character.
Translation: this facility requires no public funding because it is privately owned and maintained. And we as owners, rather than seeking a profit, choose to be stewards of a community resource."
"Make a date with Vashon: a comprehensive calendar of events, meetings and classes on Vashon Island, WA, sponsored and administered as a community service by Vashon Allied Arts."
A handy way to figure out what's going on at all the different venues the Parks District manages...
I have 2003 photos, but I'm going to have to re-do them completely from scratch some day...
And while we're on the subject of Island Festivals:
"The 14th Annual Islewilde Community Arts Celebration is a free, three-day arts festival in August (Workshops: August 7-17 - Festival: August 20-22) featuring a parade, a night-time lantern walk, stilt walking creatures, live music, a children's circus, a late-night cabaret, and a community pageant. These performances are largely generated in workshops in the three weeks preceding the festival taught by professional artist from around the Pacific Northwest."
Get email notification of unexpected Washington State Ferry system service disruptions right after they occur.
This is actually pretty cool! If you've got email at work, sign up for it!
Then you'll be able to stew about not being able to get home on time for even longer than you would, otherwise ;-)
This is very cool:
"Voice of Vashon serves our Island community in three ways. We are:
- A cable public access television station, VoV-TV on Comcast cable channel 21
- A community Internet radio station, webcasting right here at www.voiceofvashon.org.
- A community bulletin board and emergency alert radio station, VoV Standing By at 1650AM."
Check it out!
- Vashon Photo dot Com
"Vashon Photo.com is a free resource dedicated to those who admire Vashon Island, WA."
"Images of scenery, animals and events around and about Vashon. Free registration for you to upload your
Vashon-esque photos."
- Island West Alpacas!
"Hear the hmmmm of a gentle animal. Feel the softness of an elegant alpaca sweater. Enjoy the gentle warmth of natural alpaca clothing. Come to know Alpacas."
"Island West Alpacas is available for visitors on most days, by appointment only. Please call to arrange your tour of the farm or to see our Naturally Unique line of top quality alpaca clothing and gifts."
"Island West Alpacas is located in Western Washington, just a few relaxing minutes from Seattle on Vashon Island."
- Welcome to PurelyAlpaca!!
"Purely Alpaca Clothing, Sweaters, Socks...Stylish alpaca sweaters, beautiful scarves, funky hats, gloves, cozy alpaca socks and more...!
"We first learned of alpacas in 1998 while looking through a magazine. We just loved the LOOK of the animals. After a couple of years of research we began an alpaca farm on Vashon Island, near Seattle. Soon after we launched a farm store selling alpaca finished products."
- This is very cool! Check out Jim Sherman's "The Antique Engine Shop"
"This site is dedicated to my antique engine collection. Several of my engines were found here on Vashon and others came from around the Puget Sound area"
Jim is a 6th generation Vashon Island native. There's not a lot of people who can say that!
- Looking for that perfect alpaca to complete your menagerie? Visit Bill and Lee Green and Vashon Island Alpacas!
"Welcome to VIA! We are a family owned and operated alpaca farm on Vashon Island in Washington's Puget Sound. Click on links below to see what we offer."
"Sires Available For Breeding"
"Sires Available For Sale"
"Fleece Available For Sale"
(Actually, ya gotta go to their web page to click the links... ;-)
- Whoa, Nelly! Who *is* that sharp-dressed man?
- The Vashon-Maury Co-operative Preschool
"We are a non-profit Co-operative preschool. The Co-op belongs to us, the parent members. As members of the Co-op community, we all contribute to and share in our children's preschool experience. Working together, we strive to create a nurturing environment and an enriching experience for our children."
Rosalie went here for a couple of years, a long, long time ago, when she was just a wee bunny...
- The Vashon Cohousing Group
"This is a statement of values of Vashon Cohousing. That is, a statement of what we all have in common that is sufficient for us to risk our time, effort and money in developing and constructing this project. Actually we are building two things here. One is a set of buildings, our homes, a neighborhood. The other is a set of relationships with each other. Both are based on these values of community living that we share..."
- Joan M. McCabe: "For over 20 years Joan has facilitated individuals and groups in personal growth and spiritual awareness. Her experience as an ordained minister, spiritual teacher, and Transformation Game® Facilitator enhance her intuitive skills. It is her joy to help people live in alignment with their vision, purpose, and values, and witness the miracle they create as they fulfill their hearts desire. The time has come for you to live the life that makes your heart sing!"
- The Vashon Island Golf and Country Club
"The approach to the par 5 4th hole. The green is small, and the penalty for missing it can be severe."
The following are all my pages:
- The 2000 Vashon Island Strawberry Festival!
"Ober Park is really the core of the Festival, for most people!"
- The 1999 Vashon Island Strawberry Festival!
The weather was pretty lousy on Saturday this year, but a whole bunch of people (true Islanders, and true Northwesterners..) turned out any way!
- Check out: July Fourth 1999 -- Vashon Island Style! Another one of our best-kept secrets! Vashon Island's fireworks display is one of only two on the West Coast to have a 24 inch shell! It's "The Silver Camuro Shell of Shells with Rising Effects"!
- The 1997 Vashon Island Strawberry Festival! "This was the 80th Annual Strawberry Festival - so named from the days when Vashon Island was a major producer of strawberries for the growing cities of Seattle and Tacoma."
- Goodby Kingdome! -- and -- Hello Safeco! We went to the next-to-last Mariners game at the Kingdome, and went to see the Yankees at the new Safeco Field in early August! (OK, OK: It's not Vashon, but it is kinda Puget Sound-y!)
- Water Spouts over Puget Sound? The March 3, 1999 storm in Western Washington caused all sorts of problems: 250,000 people without electricity (I had no power for 15 hours..), the Evergreen Point floating bridge damaged and closed to traffic for 72 hours, and the Fauntleroy ferry dock (in the last of these pictures) damaged and closed for 24 hours after it was hit by the ferry Quinault during an abortive landing early Wednesday morning. One person died in a car crushed by a fallen tree. Five counties were declared disaster areas...
- 1998-1999 McMurray Mustangs Girls' Basketball! The McMurray Mustangs play a ten-game season against middle schools from the Tukwila, Orting, Eatonville, Steilacoom and North Mason school districts. These middle schools feed into the high schools that the Vashon Pirates boys' and girls' high school basketball teams play against, so the Mustangs will be seeing a lot of their opponents all the way up through high school...
Go Mustangs!
- "The Two Gentlemen of Verona!"
This production of Shakespeare's "The Two Gentlemen of Verona" was performed by the Blue Heron Teen Thespians, at the Blue Heron Center for the Arts, January 8 and 9, 1999, under the direction of Mark Sheppard.
This group has been acting together, for the most part, since back in elemetary school. There are one or two new players in this production; the actors range from the seventh to the ninth grades; some are in the Vashon school system, some from private schools on the Island, and some are home-schooled..
Back to pages out on the wild, wild Web...
- Brian Brenno Blown Glass
"Don't you just marvel at those perfect hands and feet? Our children
grow up too quickly and special memories fade with each year. forever
in glass handprint kits allow families to preserve those precious
fingers and tiny toes in a unique personalized glass keepsake."
- Drama Dock!
"Drama Dock is Vashon Island's non-profit community theater
organization that produces three major productions each year - spring,
summer, and fall. Drama Dock has been producing plays continuously for
the past 25 years, and we are proud to say that this has been
accomplished solely through the efforts of volunteers and financed by
ticket sales only."
"Tickets for individual performances are available several weeks before each production at Books by the Way on Vashon Island."
April 9-24, 2004
A Musical
Written by Studs Terkel
Directed by Mark Sheppard
Held at Vashon High School Theater
"Working", based on the book by Studs Terkel, is filled with
contemporary music by such artists as James Taylor (Millworker and
Brother Trucker), Craig Carnelia, Mary Rodgers, Stephen Schwartz and
Micki Grant. The songs are created for the "real-life" unsung
heroes of today and are filled with hope, promise, regret and longing.
The script is taken directly from the book which is based on
interviews with dozens of hard working people -- some of them love
their jobs, some do not -- and we get a glimpse inside into what makes
people do the things they do.
- Hills and Mountains
"Family Trees Gardens and Ponds" was "Peter's Pumpkin Patch" - Pete Svinth had a really cool web site devoted to his farm down on Maury Island which was open to the public and had great pumpkins and other cool stuff!
Now Pete has sold the farm and has moved onto the Nisqually Indian reservation, where he is a tribal elder.
"Hills and Mountains" is Pete's current website!
- Digging for Clues on Vashon Island
The archeological dig on Burton Peninsula. "The two-week excavation was co-sponsored by the Burke Museum, the King County Landmarks and Heritage Commission, Vashon Island's McMurray Middle School, and the Puyallup Tribe."
- The Monastery of the All-Merciful Saviour
"In 1988 two monks came to the Pacific Northwest to establish a monastery on Vashon Island ... at their annual Patronal Feast Day in July 1992 ... an attendee of the Pilgrimage stepped forward and asked if they would remain on the Island if he donated five acres of land for the construction of the monastery."
The rest is history..
- The Clam Cove Report
"The Clam Cove Report originated in February 1994 as 200 copies of a one-page sheet cranked out on a Mac LC ... Not a week goes by that someone doesn't ask about CCR, encouraging its resurrection, so the editor has decided to try again, this time on-line."
- Wagons of Steel
"NEW! Wagons of Steel 2004 Calendar With the race season out of the
way we finally had a chance to finish the 2004 Wagons of Steel
Calendar. Our Sharpie and photcopier have been working overtime to
bring you our new calendar just in time for Christmas. Reward yourself
by ordering one online today!"
"Just-In-Time Publishing That's right, Issue 17 of the Wagons of
Steel Magazine is finally in the mail, just in time for Winter Road
Tips and other 'seasonal' goodies. If you've already ordered yours,
look for it within the next few weeks. Those of you who haven't put in
your request... what are ya waitin' for?!"
"Britney in for the winter Time for some upgrades, new floorpan,
roll-bars, you know the routine..."
The Vashon Island School District has a lot going for it, in my opinion. One thing I particularily like is the fact that all three schools, elementary, middle, and high school, are located on one large wooded campus. This makes cooperation and communication between the three schools very easy since each school is within a short, safe walk from any other. This demystifies middle school for the elementary kids, and lets middle school kids use the sports facilities at the high school, for example. Most of the teachers are Island residents, and many of the kids have gone to school with one another since daycare...
Years past, I was on the Walkie-Talkie Patrol at the High School, over lunch time, one Monday every other week.
Two parents (usually) strolled the campus over lunch while another parent opened the gym so the kids can play basketball.
The kids were pretty positive about us being on campus, for the most part, although *some* Class of 2000 graduating seniors did vote the Walkie-Talkie Patrol as the number one thing they wouldn't miss about high school!
Oh, well. You can't please all the people, all the time...
The Vashon School District is getting a lot of new, cool stuff up on the web:
These are my VHS Sports pages:
- My current Vashon High School photos page
- 2003-2004 Vashon High School Sports!
- 2002-2003 Vashon High School Sports!
- 2001-2002 Vashon High School Sports!
- 1999-2000 Vashon High School Sports!
- Spring 1999 Vashon High School Pirates Baseball!
Vashon Pirates 4th place in 1999 State 2A baseball!
- Winter 1998 Vashon High School Pirates Baseketball!
Vashon Pirates 2nd place in 1999 State 2A baseketball!
- Evan Justin's homepage
Mr Justin was Rosalie's eighth-grade Science teacher at McMurray Middle School!
- What the Seattle Times has to say about Vashon High School
- and McMurray Middle School
- and Chautauqua Elementary
- and about the Vashon School District
- The Harbor School
"The Harbor School is dedicated to the education of the whole child in a challenging and supportive community. We provide our students with a strong academic foundation and require them to actively apply their knowledge and skills. The ultimate goal is to instill a life-long passion for learning that will enable our students to contribute their wisdom, compassion, and leadership in a rapidly changing world."
"We believe in an educational philosophy that is child-centered, one that challenges and celebrates each child's innate desire for learning. Our teachers create an atmosphere which fosters students' intellectual, physical, aesthetic, and moral development. As part of the commitment to a strong academic foundation, we encourage students to share their achievements, demonstrate self-responsibility, and respect their fellow students, community, and the world around them."
- What the Seattle Times has to say about the Harbor School
- This is very interesting: I just stumbled upon it while doing yet another google search for "Vashon Island" -- the Vashon Academics Homepage
There is a listserve (an email-based discussion server) set up by these folks that seems to be fairly lively, judging by the archives.
Many of the participants in the listserve are familiar names to me, not that that means much, my having lived on Vashon for over 20 years, and having run for School Board once myself..
And the history of that Vashon High School!
"Vashon High School, a comprehensive secondary educational institution, located in Saint Louis, MO, carries the name of two 19th century black educators, John and George B. Vashon."
Our Vashon was named for Captain James Vashon, who was sailing with Captain George Vancouver when Vashon was "discovered" in 1792.
- This is very cool! Check out Jim Sherman's "The Antique Engine Shop"
"This site is dedicated to my antique engine collection. Several of my engines were found here on Vashon and others came from around the Puget Sound area"
Jim is a 6th generation Vashon Island native. There's not a lot of people who can say that!
- Whoa, Nelly! Who's that sharp-dressed man?
- Matthew and Julie Shorack
- Cumming's Pottery
I've known Pat since 1979. We were both founding members of the Vashon Island Potters, along with Janice Mallman, Greg McElroy, Irene Otis, and Larry Watson...
the Vashon Island Potters, maybe around 1980! From left to right: Larry Watson, Greg McElroy, Irene Otis, John Sage, Janice Mallman, and Pat Cummings.
- Joshua Putnam
Joshua is a native Vashon-Islander - Vashon High class of '85 - and has some great photography of Vashon.
- Visit Amanda's dad, Tom, at Windermere Real Estate
- And, Don Berry
One of the most mind-altering books I have ever read is "Trask" - a novel of the white man's first settling of the Oregon coast south of the Columbia River. I started reading it without knowing what I was getting into and was just blown away..
The Lonestar/Glacier/Maury Island strip mine issue
Goto the Top
My local copy of the DEIS Summary:
Maury Island Gravel Mine Draft EIS Summary
(My pages regarding the Lone Star/Maury Island gravel mining permit have all been link-checked 04/17/2004)
At DDES, the:
and, at DDES, the:
- Vashon Island Fire and Rescue!
The heart and soul of Vashon Island
Fire and Rescue is the volunteer firefighting force that has provided
life-saving service to the community of Vashon since 1942. It would be
impossible to quantify the life and property that have been saved due
to their effort in their more than 60 years of responding. To that
end, VIFR works diligently to support the recruitment, training,
safety and retention of the Volunteer firefighting force. We hope that
if you are reading this handbook; you are already a volunteer,
interested in becoming a volunteer or wondering how you can be
involved as a non-responder. Hopefully this website and these icons
will provide information for everyone."
- IDVOS: discussing a very important and too-easily ignored societal problem: domestic violence on Vashon Island
"We are an agency where a victim of domestic violence can feel understood and supported on their journey toward a life free of violence. We seek to empower them to step out of the isolation that so often paralyzes victims who live in rural areas. We are working to eliminate the barriers of denial and misunderstanding in our community, which discourage victims from accessing and utilizing dv services. Our mission at IDVOS is to lead our island community in acknowledging, understanding and responding to domestic violence. Because every person on Vashon has the right to a safe and healthy home-life."
- The Vashon-Maury Island Community Council
"What is the Council?
The Vashon-Maury Island Community Council is
a town hall style forum for discussion of issues relevant to the
residents of Vashon and Maury Islands. The Council is recognized by
King County as an Unincorporated Area Community Council.
a town-hall forum, decisions are made by a public vote at our General
Meetings. Much of the work of the Council takes place in our
Committees, which then forward their recommendations to the whole
Council for action."
- Vashon Allied Arts
"Vashon Allied Arts (VAA) is the oldest community arts center in the state of Washington. Founded in 1966, we continue to provide opportunities for Islanders of all ages to create and experience art at many levels."
"We are the designated Local Arts Agency for Vashon-Maury Island and serve as an umbrella organization for other arts groups on the Island. Our home, The Blue Heron Art Center, is the historic Odd Fellows Building located on Vashon Highway just south of Cemetery Road on beautiful Vashon Island."
"Vashon Island is the home to hundreds of performing, literary, and visual and performing artists and has a long and rich cultural history. Come on in and visit us!"
- Dance! Vashon
"...whose mission and goals relate to the support of Vashon Island dance students and teachers and the promotion of dance through performance and education."
"A Brief UMO Biography:
UMO began their creative collaboration
in 1987. The company is committed to an Ensemble of performers who
create and compose their own productions. The Ensemble's creative
process is rooted in physical theatre. Improvisations in movement,
character, vocalizing, and writing are the basis for the creation and
development of new works. For each piece there is a member of the
Ensemble who serves as artistic director, holding the larger picture
in mind. Since their arrival on Vashon Island in 1989, UMO Ensemble
has created over twenty original works for the theatre. The Ensemble's
material reflects their diverse range of styles and skills: the copper
sculpture "dance animation" of Instinction (1987); the fifteen foot
tall puppetry of Who Nose (1990), the mask and Red Nose clown work of
Midnight Comix (1990) and Naughty Bits (1991), the lovably irreverent
Buffoons of El Dorado (1992) and Insatiable Cabaret (1993); the
acrobatic Djool of Caravan of Dreams (1994); the haunting,
stripped-down beauty of Digging (1996) and Body Inheritance (1997);
the archetypal fables of Expressions of the Spirit (1999); the
breathtaking aerial virtuosity of Millennium Circus (1999), and the
musical and architectural richness of Cities (2001)."
- I say: Simply the most stunning theatrical troupe I've ever seen! Their performance at the 1998 Vashon Island Strawberry Festival was stupendous! Since 1992 UMO has produced Islewilde every summer - a month of free public workshops that culminate in a weekend-long performance celebration.
- Islewilde!
"The 14th Annual Islewilde Community Arts Celebration is a free,
three-day arts festival in August featuring a parade, a night-time
lantern walk, stilt walking creatures, live music, a children's
circus, a late-night cabaret, and a community pageant. These
performances are largely generated in workshops in the three weeks
preceding the festival taught by professional artist from around the
Pacific Northwest."
- Vashon Island Parks District
"The District seeks to provide recreational opportunities and
facilities to its residents. This includes developing and preserving
passive and active recreational resources for the betterment of all
the residents of the District as well as protecting the rural and
natural qualities of Vashon Maury Island. The District will insure
facilities and services shall remain within adopted standards and
service levels."
"Each year at this time, the Park District Board of Commissioners
invites Island groups and individuals to submit their ideas for 2005
large improvement or acquisition projects for Island parks. In the
past, such projects have included grant matches for projects at
Pt. Robinson, Jensen Point and Ober Park. Funding to improve park
features has also been provided for the Paradise Ridge Assembly
Building, Agren field, Burton Skate Park, Fern Cove's Belle Baldwin
house, Wingehaven drainage improvements and more. The process begins
now for funding in 2005. Interested groups or individuals need to
call or visit the Park District office and request a "Capital
Improvement Project Evaluation" form. Once completed, the forms will
be reviewed by the Board to determine if the project should continue
through the process for possible inclusion in the 2005 budget. All
forms must be returned to the Park District office by April 30 so drop
by and get yours now! For more information, call the District office
at 463-9602."
- Camp Sealth!
"Located on 1.5 miles of beach on Vashon Island, Washington, Camp
Sealth's pristine location provides areas for swimming, boating and
beach activities. The 400 acres of woods filled with trails, wildlife
and remote campsites provides the setting for daily adventures. Fun,
friends and new adventures away from home create a valuable and
memorable experience. Each child brings home a new sense of
self-confidence, independence, teamwork and social skills that last a
lifetime. The entire Camp Sealth staff is dedicated to enriching
children's lives."
"It all begins on a boat! We charter the "Goodtime II," which departs
from Shilshole Marina in the Ballard neighborhood of Seattle for an
exciting and memorable two-hour cruise to Camp Sealth on Vashon
Island. On board, anticipation builds as children meet a few staff
members and new friends, sing and get into the spirit of camp!
Transportation is available from Pt. Defiance ferry dock in Tacoma,
but we highly recommend the Goodtime II, affectionately called "Da
- Camp Burton!
"Camp Burton Conference Center is located on Vashon Island, a 15
minute ferry ride from West Seattle, Tacoma, or the Kitsap Peninsula.
A ministry of the American Baptist Churches of the Pacific Northwest,
Camp Burton offers a multipurpose site for your non-profit
organization. Camp Burton offers your group a lovely and peaceful
setting, where you can reach the goals you set for your retreat.
Amenities include waterfront property on Quartermaster Harbor and
wooded areas. We will have meeting rooms and sleeping cabins ready
for your event and serve you delicious and satisfying meals. A
peaceful island retreat site is waiting for you!
"Each time I visit it's like coming home.""
- The Vashon-Maury Island Chamber of Commerce
"The Vashon-Maury Chamber of Commerce is proud to sponsor several community events throughout the year including Spring Fling, Strawberry Festival, Chalk Walk, Halloween Trick-or-Treat night and Holiday Open House.
Don't see what you're looking for on our site? Contact us via email or phone our Chamber office for more details."
The Vashon-Maury Chamber of Commerce runs the Vashon Island Strawberry Festival
- Rogers Graphics
"Rogers Graphics is an advertising design firm specializing in effective print media and dynamic web-based advertising solutions.
We primarily serve the fresh produce and floral industries with projects for other interesting companies as well.
Located on Vashon Island near Seattle, we work with companies in Florida, California, Texas, Virginia and Washington.
Please contact us to review your particular needs."
- Vashon Print and Design
- The Vashon-Maury Island Beachcomber
- Goodjam.com also know as the Maury Island Farming Company, and Vashon Island's General Store!
"Welcome to GOODJAM.COM, the online store for Country Store & Gardens Gift & Gourmet Shop, serving individuals and business gift buyers.
This is your place to obtain the ORIGINAL Maury Island Farm brand fruit preserves and toppings, bringing you the berry best of the Pacific Northwest.
We also offer wonderful chocolates from Frederick & Nelson and Paradise Farms, Buckeye Bean soups and chili mixes, gift boxes and other specialty food treats."
Books by the Way has a long history on Vashon Island! It's now located in "downtown" Vashon on Bank Road, west of the Island Highway.
"Books by the Way is a general interest new title bookstore nestled in the center of town on Vashon Island, in the Pacific Northwest's Puget Sound. In October of 1998 the store proudly celebrated it's twenty-fifth anniversary as Vashon Island's independant bookstore, originally opened by Vivian Conant."
"We hope you have a chance to visit our island, and drop in and introduce yourself. We will do our best to help you feel at home and to find you a good book to read."
- the Back Bay Inn!
"Back Bay Inn is a cornerstone landmark in the picturesque harbor village of Burton, on Vashon Island, Washington. It is convenient to Seattle and Tacoma, yet far enough from the hustle-bustle, making it a favored destination for a weekend breakfast or an overnight romantic getaway."
"The inn, established in 1992, is reminiscent of the late Victorian inn in architecture, decor and attention to detail. Cupolas, multi-lighted windows and bright trim add to its distinctiveness. It is run much like a European auberge where accommodation and food service are provided in an intimate setting and on a personal basis. The innkeepers and staff have created an attractive, richly comfortable environment reflecting the authenticity and warmth of the turn-of-the century home originally on the property."
- BumbleBar!
"A note from co-owner Glenn Ward...
BumbleBar's essence lies with my wife, Liz. As a food artist and a mother, Liz created BumbleBars as hiking food. When starting the company in 1995, she had a vision of making an all-organic snackbar. She passionately believed that her efforts would help in her quest to leave a living planet, benefiting kids for generations to come. You see, she was confused with people enjoying nature's bounty on the trail, while unwittingly carrying foods in their backpacks that were directly contributing to the environment's decline.
Now, we sell BumbleBars all across the Unitied States to folks like YOU. In 2002 we used over 70,000 lbs. of certified organic ingredients and thousands of pounds of recycled paper products. People love BumbleBars because they taste so good and we love BumbleBars because of the legacy we are leaving...."
- Check out the Dunsford Snakelight!
"Snakelights are a quick, affordable and elegant solution for both residential and contract installations, and come in a variety of mountings, sizes and colors with custom options available."
- Ellisport Engineering!
Ellisport Engineering is what I would call a distributed-network engineering firm: all the employees work out of their own home offices and communicate with Steve Kicinski via phone, fax, email and the internet. A very enlightened approach to conducting serious professional work without a central "office"!
"Ellisport Engineering, Inc. is a consulting engineering firm providing both civil and structural engineering services for residences and small commercial buildings."
"While much of our work is in the Greater Puget Sound region and Yakima areas, we are licensed in Washington, Oregon and California and have completed projects as far afield as Siberia, Russia."
- The Vashon Dance Academy
- The AYH Ranch Hostel
"This unique lodging is located 25 minutes from Seattle and Tacoma. It is located on an island in Puget Sound in the heart of the Pacific Northwest, and offers a unique Western setting with Indian teepees, covered wagons, log lodge with comfortable private rooms. Camping is also available and includes a "u-fix" pancake breakfast."
- The Trillium Retreat Center
"Relax and rejuvenate in the peace and tranquility of Trillium Retreat Center, an enchanted getaway on 15 acres of forest and meadows. Trillium is situated on rural Vashon Island, fifteen minutes by ferry from West Seattle, Tacoma and the Kitsap Peninsula."
"Trillium was created to provide a safe and private haven for groups whose focus is healing and growth. We host only one group at a time."
"The facilities include: A yurt, bathhouse with a hot tub, steambath and cold plunge. A kitchen/dining room, forest cabin, bunk cabins, garden cottage, fire pit, meadows and woodland trails."
If you haven't already done so, visit Amanda's dad, Tom, at
Windermere Real Estate
- The K2 Corporation
K2 was once "Vashon's #1 export" - although Larry Niece might have a different opinion - until K2 exported most of the jobs to China :-(
POP QUIZ: Was K2 named after the mountain, or two brothers?
- Stewart Brothers (er - well, that's what it was)Seattle's Best Coffee
I dunno the whole story: SBC had a roasterie on the Island, and had a retail shop at the stop sign at Vashon Highway and Cemetery Road, but they sure don't mention Vashon at their web site...
And now you have this:
"Starbucks Corporation Completes Acquisition of Seattle Coffee Company
July 14, 2003 (SEATTLE, WA) Starbucks Corporation (Nasdaq: SBUX) today announced that it has completed the acquisition of Seattle Coffee Company from AFC Enterprises, Inc. (Nasdaq: AFCE) announced on April 16, 2003. Seattle Coffee Company includes the Seattle's Best Coffee® (SBC) and Torrefazione Italia® Coffee (TI) brands."
- and Torrefazione Italia
"Torrefazione Italia is roasted to order daily at our roasterie on Vashon Island, just outside of Seattle. We guarantee that all our coffees will be freshly roasted, packaged and rushed to you in order to preserve its freshness and flavor."
So maybe what I think of as being Seattle's Best's roasterie is Torrefazione Italia's -- they're a division of SBC, or they were, or, it's really Starbucks, I dunno...
- Anyway, while we're talkin' coffee: Shade Grown French Roast!
"The monks view their coffee company as a means to sustain their life of spiritual contemplation. "Our main purpose of existence is prayer" says Father Tryphon. "Volunteers of all faiths have helped design and build the monastery and proceeds from the growing coffee company will help meet the monastery's financial needs.""
Monastery Blend "Shade-grown French Roast" is my personal favorite, and is the only coffee I ever drink at home.
They also have teas, too.
- Vashon Island Air!
"SEE IT ALL in just a few hours!
Thrill to the beauty and wonder of the Puget Sound area. Our scenic air tours will let you discover the beauty of Washington. See everything from the magnificent splendor of the high Alpine of the Olympics and Cascades, the calm and peace of the Orca Whales of the San Juan Islands, the awesome destruction at Mt. St. Helens, & Downtown Seattle tours. View it with an eagle's eye. Our air tours range from the snow capped Cascades, Mt. Rainier, and Olympics Mountain Ranges, to the sheer wonder of the Columbia River Gorge."
- theplumber.com
"theplumber.com web site, under "plumbing" has been called one of the "best web sites" by the #1 on-line multimedia encyclopedia - Encarta.
Even Encyclopedia Britannica has linked to us in the past as one of "The Web's Best Sites".
World Book On-Line Encyclopedia specially selected theplumber.com by their Editors as well.
theplumber.com was rated a Hot Site by USA Today"
- ..and Hill's Plumbing
- New Construction
- Remodels
- Service and Repairs
- Power Drain Cleaning
- Bonded & Insured
- da Bone Shop.. or Sawbones.. or Pacific Research Labs..
(One of the most unique jobs I've ever had was working for Denzel and Foss back in about 1980 or '81. I was making spiral fractures in a batch of femurs by clamping one end in a vise, and twisting the other end with a pair of Vise-Grips until CRACK!...)
"For over two decades, Sawbones, the originators of "hands-on" workshop models, continues to be the leader in medical models for orthopedic and medical education. Sawbones models have been specifically developed for use in motor skills exercises where a realistic artificial anatomical model is required for the "hands-on" teaching of surgical procedures.
In addition to a finished product line of over 2000 models for hands-on training, Sawbones offer a complete range of services to enhance the world of medical education, product demonstration, and patient awareness. Customized products developed to your company's specifications are available through Sawbones broad range of manufacturing capabilities."
- SunGard Bi-Tech
"Software solutions for Government, School Districts, Colleges and Universities: we offer financial, personnel, and administrative software for government, K-12, higher education and non-profit organizations. We also provide a full suite of student records management software for higher education.
Public Sector: Since our inception, our resources have been focused on designing systems specifically for school districts, cities, counties, foundations, colleges, and universities.
e-Commerce: from e-commerce to web support to workflow reporting to imaging, we have the solution."
- Vashon Thriftway
"Founded in 1965, Vashon Thriftway is locally owned and operated by the Mathews family. The goal of the business over the years has been to deliver the highest quality goods and services to the community of Vashon Island at competitive market prices."
- And Island Market Foods, their online grocery operation!
"Island Market Foods and its counterpart, Vashon Thriftway, are committed to offering our customers a positive online shopping experience. We're not just a virtual store operating out of some obscure warehouse. We're a real supermarket that has been serving the Vashon Island community in Washington state for several decades. Now, we're expanding to offer the same unique product selection and superior service to customers throughout the U.S."
and after
Eeeek! the Government!
<SIGH>... the bloody govermink knows about Vashon, too..
Goto the Top
Canon EOS 5D Mark II
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