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Vashon Island High School

Boys Tennis v Charles Wright

 · First Singles · Second Singles · First and Second Doubles · 

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VIHS Boys Tennis v Charles Wright 10/16/2013

VHS Boys Tennis v Charles Wright 10/06/2012

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VHS Boys Tennis at Nisqually Leagues 10/19/2011

Tennis is pretty awkward to shoot at Vashon Island High School. The two groups of three courts are closely surrounded by fencing with mesh that's too tight to shoot through, so I'm pretty much limited to shooting inside the fences. Except that for courts three-four-five I can only get at one end anyway. And except that because it's tennis, I can't just walk around anywhere any time I want to. So I'm often shooting across a match right in front of me to get shots of a match behind.

Then, because I shoot one match and then switch to another and then switch back to the first as the action starts and stops, the order of the photos is always all mixed up. So this year I tried grouping them by match, rather than just in the order they were shot. Needless to say, I simply didn't get to everyone in every match. If any of that makes any sense...

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VIHS Boys Tennis v Charles Wright: First Singles

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VIHS Boys Tennis v Charles Wright: First Singles

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VIHS Boys Tennis v Charles Wright: Second Singles

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VIHS Boys Tennis v Charles Wright: Second Singles

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VIHS Boys Tennis v Charles Wright: First and Second Doubles

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VIHS Boys Tennis v Charles Wright: First and Second Doubles

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Vashon Island High School

Boys Tennis v Charles Wright

 · First Singles · Second Singles · First and Second Doubles · 

You might also enjoy:

VIHS Boys Tennis v Charles Wright 10/16/2013

VHS Boys Tennis v Charles Wright 10/06/2012

VHS Girls Tennis v Charles Wright 05/02/2012

VHS Boys Tennis at Nisqually Leagues 10/19/2011

Canon EOS 1D Mark IV Digital Imaging!

Canon EOS 1D Mark IV digital imaging

All my digital photography
copyright John D Sage/FinchHaven™
1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 etc etc...

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