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John Sage's FinchHaven™ Digital Photography from Vashon Island, Washington
Last modified: Tuesday 07/16/2024 08:12:10 PDT for infosec dot exchange and edits
The Twentieth Anniversary, held at the Vashon Island Theater, February 26, 2017
The really, really, really old stuff. You know, "slides" and "prints" from "film" that you had to get "developed"?
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Feat: Liv's Catch One and Catch Two!
The final out, Up by Ten after Five, and the Postgame
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The Twentieth Anniversary, held at the Vashon Island Theater February 26, 2017
Being: Video credits: 20th Anniversary of Oscar Night on Vashon Island; A video history: saving the Vashon Island Theater; Our MC and our evening's Ocsar assistants; Awards: Best Dressed Girl and Boy 11 and Younger; Awards: Best Dressed PJ's
Being: Catering by Snapdragon; video slideshow: the Red Carpet Arrivals; Snapdragon: dinner is served; award: Celebrity Look-alike, Child, Teen and Adult; award: Best-dDressed Teen Male; award: Best Dressed Adult Female; Meryl Streep award: best use of celebrity for social justice
Being: award: Most Outrageous "Cher" Award; a Thank-you to Lesie and Marty; award: Best-dressed Teen Female; award: Best-dressed Adult Couple; after-Oscar Night special portraits
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Goofin' with Varsity!
Chloe's awesome ... takedown!
VIHS Girls Varsity Basketball v Charles Wright 01/24/2017 ·
Coming soon! ·
* * * halftime * * *
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Feat Eva's Famous New Shoes...
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Vashon Island High School Wrestling v Klahowya: JV Matches
Vashon Island High School Wrestling v Klahowya: JV Matches
Varsity Matches: Vashon Island High School Wrestling v Klahowya 01/13/2017
Vashon Island High School Wrestling v Klahowya: Varsity Match Set one
Vashon Island High School Wrestling v Klahowya: Varsity Match Set one
The first Varsity match ended up fitting into one set perfectly. That won't always be the case...
Vashon Island High School Wrestling v Klahowya: Varsity Match Set six
These are the two matches before and after Luke's. If that makes any sense...
Vashon Island High School Wrestling v Klahowya: Varsity Match Set six
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* * * halftime * * *
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Vashon Island High School Boys Varsity Basketball v Sultan First half Set two
And ...
... he fakes him into the popcorn machine!
Vashon Island High School Boys Varsity Basketball v Sultan First half Set two
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at Basketball v Chimacum 01/03/2017
at Basketball v Sultan
At Basketball v Shelton
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Vashon Island Soccer Club
At the Harbor School fields, Vashon Island Washington, 12/04/2016
* * * half time * * *
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* * * halftime * * *
Vashon Island High School Girls Varsity Basketball v Northwest Second half Set three
Stay calm, everyone, Presley's got this!
Vashon Island High School Girls Varsity Basketball v Northwest Second half Set three
* * * halftime * * *
First Vashon Island High School Winter 2016 - 2017 sports!
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Halloween on Vashon Island 2016: Set one
Halloween on Vashon Island 2016: Set one
Halloween on Vashon Island 2016: Set two
Halloween on Vashon Island 2016: Set two
Halloween on Vashon Island 2016: Set three
Halloween on Vashon Island 2016: Set three
Halloween on Vashon Island 2016: Set four
Halloween on Vashon Island 2016: Set four
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A little later in the summer this year: September 11, 2016. One of the biggest turn-outs I can remember seeing though...
Vintage Motorcycle Enthusiasts 2016: Set one
Vintage Motorcycle Enthusiasts 2016: Set one
Vintage Motorcycle Enthusiasts 2016: Set two
Vintage Motorcycle Enthusiasts 2016: Set two
Vintage Motorcycle Enthusiasts 2016: Set three
Vintage Motorcycle Enthusiasts 2016: Set three
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Vashon Island High School - Fall 2016
At December 2, 2016, I've heavily-edited this Fall VIHS Sports section to make space for Winter Sports.
All the pics are still at each event, but this index now has way, way less...
Sorry, no Homecoming Dance pics this year: I didn't get asked ;)
Vashon Island High School Homecoming Court 2016 Set one
Vashon Island High School Homecoming Court 2016 Set one
Vashon Island High School Homecoming Court 2016 Set two
Vashon Island High School Homecoming Court 2016 Set two
Vashon Island High School Homecoming Court 2016 Set three
Vashon Island High School Homecoming Court 2016 Set three
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Vashon Island High School Homecoming Parade 2016 Set one
Vashon Island High School Homecoming Parade 2016 Set one
Vashon Island High School Homecoming Parade 2016 Set two
Vashon Island High School Homecoming Parade 2016 Set two
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Vashon Island High School Football-Fall Cheer Seniors Night 2016Set one
Vashon Island High School Football-Fall Cheer Seniors Night 2016 Set one
Vashon Island High School Football-Fall Cheer Seniors Night 2016 Set two
Vashon Island High School Football-Fall Cheer Seniors Night 2016Set two
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Held the night of the fantastic 5-0 clean-sheet shutout over Charles Wright!
Vashon Island High School Girls Soccer Seniors Night 2016: Set one
Vashon Island High School Girls Soccer Seniors Night 2016: Set one
Vashon Island High School Girls Soccer Seniors Night 2016: Set two
Vashon Island High School Girls Soccer Seniors Night 2016: Set two
Vashon Island High School Girls Soccer Seniors Night 2016: Set three
Vashon Island High School Girls Soccer Seniors Night 2016: Set three
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Vashon Island High School - Fall 2016
at Football v Cedar Park Christian:
at Football v Mount Douglas:
at Football v Klahowya:
At Football v Cedar Park Christian
At Football v Cedar Park Christian
At Football v Mount Douglas
With the Halftime Dance Routine in Sets two and three, and the Halftime Banner Run-through in Set four!
At Football v Mount Douglas
At Football v Klahowya
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Vashon Island High School - Fall 2016
Be sure to check out Hannah's great up at about 10:05, including a totally-cool super-slo-mo replay ;) in Game one, and at 9:30 in Game two, Coach Kara and "Do I have to do everything myself?"
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Vashon Island High School - Fall 2016
Vashon Island High School JV Volleyball v Chimacum: Set one
Vashon Island High School JV Volleyball v Chimacum: Set one
Vashon Island High School Varsity Volleyball v Chimacum: Game One
Vashon Island High School Varsity Volleyball v Chimacum: Game Two
Vashon Island High School Varsity Volleyball v Chimacum: Game three
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At Lou Engels' Repair and Towing, Maury Island, WA
Engels Car Show 2016 Set one
Engels Car Show 2016 Set one
Engels Car Show 2016 Set two
Engels Car Show 2016 Set two
Still photography!
And that's a wrap on Vashon Island Strawberry Festival 2016!
Sunday July 17, 2016
Tom Stewart Memorial Car Parade Set one
Tom Stewart Memorial Car Parade Set two
Tom Stewart Memorial Car Parade Set four
The Kids Parade ·
The Grand Parade Set one ·
The Grand Parade Set two ·
The Grand Parade Set three ·
The Grand Parade Set four ·
The Grand Parade Set five ·
The Grand Parade Set six ·
The Grand Parade Set seven ·
The Grand Parade Set one
Being: VIFR Firetruck, the Color Guard, Vashon Strawberry Festival Grand Marshall, Strawberry Festival Grand Parade sponsor, Friends of Mukai / Kabuki Academy, Vashon Senior Center / Bernie and Hillary for Mayor
The Grand Parade Set two
Being: Voice of Vashon, First in Dog Obedience, Vashon Community Care / Strawberry Festival King and Queen, Cub Scoout Pack #275, Vashon Island Pet Protectors, Vashon-Maury Co-op Preschool
Being: Vashon Daisy Girl Scouts, Eileen Cody / Sharon Nelson, Rainbow City Marching Band, Vashon-Maury Community Food Bank, Vashon Youth and Family Services / Noodle for Mayor, Honoring Mike Kimmel, Seattle Schools All-City Marching Band
The Grand Parade Set four
Being: Vashon Tool Library, Bruce Haulman Junior Sailing Program, Vashon Ukelele Society, The Old Tractor Society, The Rat Detective, Thriftway Shopping Car Drill Team
The Grand Parade Set five
Being: Miss Thriftway of Washington State U-60 Unlimited Hydro, Vashon Heritage Museum / Rebecca Wittman for Mayor, Vashon-Maury Island Land Trust, Vashon Island High School Football and Fall Cheer, Chicago! / Drama Dock
The Grand Parade Set six
Being: Vashon Bikes, Guide Dog Puppy Raisers, Vashon Latino Community, Eagle Log Cabins / Unforgettable Fire, Vashon Garden Club
Being: The Backbone Campaign, First Student, RJ's Kids, the Grand Parade afterguard...
First Teasers!
The 5K start, the Bill Burby Memorial 5-10K race, Vashon Island Strawberry Festival 2016!
Island Style, the Tom Stewart Memorial Car Parade and Show, Vashon Island Strawberry Festival 2016!
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Now up!
* * * INTERMISSION * * *
And also see:
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I'm putting up the B Building - A Building demolitions, and the final site work photos as I get them done, here:
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FinchHaven™ Digital Photography
By John Sage, former Vashon Island potter and resident of Vashon Island for over 37 years
The really, really, really old stuff. You know, "slides" and "prints" from "film" that you had to get "developed"?
My Vashon Island Strawberry Festival Photo Collections!
I've got 2003 Festival photos, but it looks like I'm going to have to recreate the web pages from scratch in my spare time...
Vashon Island High School
Fall 2016 - Summer 2017:
Fall 2015 - Summer 2016:
New video: The Project: an original musical presented by Vashon Island High School Theater Arts 2016!
The fantastic come-from-behind Seniors Night win!
Fun Fact: I was the Vashon Island High School Assistant Volleyball coach in the fall of 2003!
Our sister high school: Himeji Minami High School, Himeji, Hyogo prefecture, Japan
Fun Fact: in the fall of 2004 I started working as a Duty (a Campus Monitor) on the playground at Chautauqua, 5 days/20 hours per week!
Being those cool things that just didn't seem to fit somewhere else, or that are somewhere else and fit here, too...
Vashon Island Youth Sports
My "Vashon Island Links" page of old Vashon Island Links I once collected, from the dawn of Teh Intertubes ·
And here's my old www.FinchHaven.com home page from before I completely rebuilt my home page in about 2004... ·
(Never heard of the Seattle Reign or the ABL? That's exactly what the NBA and ESPN wanted)
· And now for something a little different: the Otter Box iPhone 3GS Defender case mod! ·
This space to let
This space to let

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Last modified: Tuesday 07/16/2024 08:12:10 PDT for infosec dot exchange and edits
Canon EOS 1D Mark IV digital imaging!
All my digital photography copyright (c) John Sage/FinchHaven 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 etc etc etc...
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